The Lesson I Learned from Philosopher; Soren Kierkegaard

Gary (Teroso) Alvarez Sum
3 min readMay 1, 2021


The highest and most beautiful things in life are not to be heard about, nor read about, nor seen but, if one will, are to be lived…
One university and department honored our 63 BA, 11 MA, and 4 PhD graduates,. In classic British tradition, the ceremony was formal and scripted with pomp and circumstance.. Speeches were made,.. Names were announced one by one and graduando walked across the stage to pick up the empty cylinder that symbolized their accomplishment… The actual certificate is for reasons unexplained handed to graduando after the ceremony,..
Soren Kierkegaard’s observations about experience.. In the 1830s and 40s, Kierkegaard wrote some of the most provocative and compelling books in the history of philosophy,. One of his themes was the idea that we each live unique lives and we come to understand anything only through experiencing it… We can only come to understand a truth by going through the process of obtaining it,.. No one knows what it is meant to have earned the honor of a degree unless one has put in the considerable time and effort to earn one,…

Truth is not something you can appropriate easily and quickly… You certainly cannot sleep or dream yourself to the truth… No, you must be tried, do battle, and suffer if you are to acquire the truth for yourself….(right) It is a sheer illusion to think that in relation to the truth there is an abridgement, a short cut that dispenses with the necessity for struggling for it.,..

Similarly, we only know what it means to be something when we have achieved it or experienced it.. No one knows what it means to lose one’s father until one has,, speaking from experience…. No one knows what I’ve experienced many could not have the understandings,…

Every single person experiences earnings,, a degree and being honored, But every single person so honored does so under their own unique circumstances… Every single person has a unique constellation of experiences as they earn their degree and every single one has unique feelings and thoughts,, Our unique past and our individual reactions mean each one of us will experience the same event in different ways… We come together to share experiences but even then, our experiences are our own… And that is a wonderful thing.,.Everyone is different and everyone has different experiences.

This truism should be obvious but it still amazes me how much of many does not understand this very basic reality of life… In the drive to categorize and summarize everything, too many in science reduce human existence to basic descriptions and formulas,…. “We are all the same” is the unspoken mantra of too many scholars who are bent on solving questions with universal answers.,’s understood how mistaken is such an attitude…

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced,.. For truth is only true when it is lived,…. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics can teach us about things, but they cannot teach us how to live or how to use the knowledge of things.. Truth is subjective,in that it must be experienced,…. Any knowledge that is worth knowing is learned through a process that is lived, practiced, and actualized rather than an end product of listening, reasoning, and memorizing,.. We know it as…“experience is the best teacher…” & “Life is but a Learning a Experience,.. All that Taught in Life is Lessons Learned From”..

I understand, that no lists of facts that as valuable as is your own experiences.,.. A good teacher facilitates students in their own experiences and understands that students have much to offer in sharing their experiences… Philosophy is a conversation and an experience shared by individuals.. Everyone comes to philosophy uniquely… Everyone has something unique to offer…, as you and I my love,..! 30,04,2021
I love you Jocelyn,… 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰



Gary (Teroso) Alvarez Sum

Life is but a Learning a Experience.. All that Taught in Life is Lessons Learned From…